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     Daten und Analysen
Thorshühnchen 2023
Fichtenkreuzschnabel 23-24
Wellenläufer 2023
Feldsperling 22-23
Schmarotzerraubmöwe 2023
Gleitaar 2023
Mittelmeer Zitronenfalter 18-23
Großer Wanderbläuling 2023
Charaxes jasius 21-22
Charaxes jasius 2023
Schabracken-Königslibelle 2023
Wildkaninchen 2023
Locusta migratoria gallica 2023
Oecanthus pellucens pellucens 21-23
Zeuneriana abbreviata 21-23
Decticus albifrons 2023
Gottesanbeterin 2023
Faune-Aquitaine Publication
Le Courbageot
Neueste Infos lesen
Welche Arten sind wie geschützt?
Regional Rarity Committee
Atlas und Umfragen
Atlas der Avifauna
Die Teilnahme-Karten
Lokale Synthesen

Wer sind wir? what is it? aims at collecting, organizing and synthesizing data of fauna sightings for the region Aquitaine. It is owned and administered by LPO Aquitaine, a non-profit organisation devoted to the protection of biodiverssity and especially birds in Aquitaine, and the local representative of BirdLife International. The individuals who contribute can use a comprehensive set of online tools to search-synthesize on their own data. They also agree that their data be made publicly available in the form of various synthesis.

The vast majority of these synthesis can be generated online in a real-time fashion, while some others that require a deeper level of analysis are published as reports or articles. prefers and favors open access publications. The complete collection of articles of the journal that used to be published by LPO Aquitaine, "Le Courbageot", can be freely downloaded as PDF from the site. "Faune-Aquitaine Publications" is the continuation of this publishing effort, with articles generaly derived from the data of, and that can also be downloaded as free PDFs.

Among other duties, LPO Aquitaine takes care that the contributors of meet once a year to discuss the future directions of their favourite portal. The participants can also communicate through a dedicated e-mailing list what is it made of? collects data of birds, mammals (including bats, rodents and sea mammals), reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, dragonflies, grasshopers and bees. For some of these faunal groups tat require a high level of expertise, the insertion of data is restricted to confirmed experts. 

A line of data in answers the four basic questions "What?", "Where?", "When?" and "By whom?", but can also contain complementary pieces of data such as photographs, sounds, sex-ratio, age-ratio, etc.). Each line of data runs through a process of validation by local experts, so that sightings that are not "question-marked" can be considered valid. Nevertheless, the lines of data remain at all times under the full responsibility of their respective authors, so that neither nor LPO Aquitaine both disclaim can not be considered responsible for any inconvenient that could result from any content of the site. what is it embedded in? participates in a network of national and international web portals to collect faunal data, which are all managed by local non-governmental organisations and primarily LPO, the French partner of BirdLife International, and produced by the Swiss company Biolovision. These portals are coordinated at the national and at the international levels by steering committees. The French steering committee, made of representatives of each local portal, meets roughly twice a year, and also works by e-mail. In addition, a technical committee is in charge of implementing the policy decided by the steering committee; the technical committee is currently made of representatives of the sites of Aquitaine, Franche-Comté, Isère, Languedoc-Roussillon (a portal in preparation) and of the national level, and is currently headed by LPO Isère. 

The general portal for France is who pays?

When was launched, LPO Aquitaine was helped by the Conseils Généraux (except the Landes), the Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine and the French government. Most of the costs and the human energy required to run are currently supported by LPO-Aquitaine and its volunteers. 

The development of the national network is supported by the cotisations of the LPO members. 

The other members of the family

The other portals in France

The other portals abroad

Another member of the family

  • The atlas of the French birds: presents in real-time te progress of the project currently coordinated by LPO and SEOF to update the atlas of the French birds (breeding and in winter)
  • Rare birds: the sightings of the species submitted to evaluation by the French Rarity Committee are gathered in this portal. WARNING: for the sake of swiftness regarding these rare species, most of these data have not yet been validated by the FRC!
  • The raptor observatory, coordinated by LPO and CNRS, maintains on a yearly basis the state-of-the art knowledge on raptor populations in France
  • The Lammergeier in Switzerland: gathers the data of Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus that have been collected on and enables the tracking of individuals,etc. 

Another member of the family

  • The migration portal: all migration sites and camps in France including "how to get there", the (mostly) daily update of the last sightings, real-time synthesis, yearly reports, etc. 

LPO-Aquitaine (433 chemin de Leysotte, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, 44°47'11"N 0°34'46"W)Anreiseplan
VisioNature est un outil développé avec la collaboration du réseau LPO. Grâce aux technologies Internet, débutants, amateurs et professionnels naturalistes, peuvent partager en temps réel leur découverte et ainsi améliorer la connaissance et la protection de la faune

Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2024