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Falaropo Picogrueso 2023
Piquituerto Común 23-24
Paíño Boreal 2023
Gorrión Molinero 22-23
Págalo Parásito 2023
Elanio Común 2023
Gonepteryx cleopatra 18-23
Estriada canela 2023
Cuatro colas 21-22
Cuatro colas 2023
Emperatriz emigrante 2023
Conejo 2023
Locusta migratoria gallica 2023
Oecanthus pellucens pellucens 21-23
Zeuneriana abbreviata 21-23
Decticus albifrons 2023
Mantis religiosa 2023
Faune-Aquitaine Publication
Le Courbageot
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Todas las novedades
domingo, 4. octubre 2015
You had a dream about a Smartphone app: here it comes!
After several months of "real-life" trial (thanks to some of you), the application NaturaList is now ready for your use!
With NaturaList, recording sightings of birds and many other types of animals (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, various insects, etc.) has never been so easy. Wherever you are, your records contributes to the local portal in France or in Europe. If there is no portal locally, you can still retrieve your data in various formats for your personal use or to send it to the local group of naturalists of your choice: for this, visit the data archive with your login and password.
This way, all you need is a single app for all your records in Aquitaine but also anywhere else in Europe. You do not need a connexion in the field since you can use off-line maps stored in your device. With a connexion, you can check your list of sightings or (even more useful) the last sightings around you  as well as the last sightings of rare species. 
Required device: a GPS-enabled smartphone or tablet running with Android.

enviado por Laurent Couzi
martes, 10. julio 2012
Bienvenido a Aquitania!

If you are discovering this site while visiting Aquitaine, please do not hesitate to register and transmit your sightings of our fauna. It is free, and the fresh outlook that you'll be bringing on our regional fauna can only be beneficial!

If you are not familiar with the VisioNature family of biodiversity portals, please visit "Who are we?", "User guide" (sorry, only in French so far...) and "Datasheets" (also only in French) in the left-hand column. You will find VisioNature portals elsewhere in France and Europe: see the link below and also "Who are we?".
Have a nice stay, and congratulations for choosing Aquitaine!
enviado por Olivier Le Gall
miercoles, 1. febrero 2012
Welcome Languedoc-Roussillon


This morning a new VisioNature portal was opened in Languedoc-Roussillon!

enviado por Olivier Le Gall
viernes, 27. enero 2012

The Lorraine VisioNature portal is open!

enviado por Olivier Le Gall
lunes, 28. septiembre 2009

Red List

You can download the last version of French Mammals Red List (IUCN).

Documento para descargar :  Listerougemammiferes-1039.pdf
enviado por Laurent Couzi
domingo, 7. junio 2009

Faune-Aquitaine en Español!

Faune-Aquitaine (FA) ha estado en funcionamiento desde hace 1 año aproximadamente y ya cuenta con mas de 200.000 observaciones. Aprovechando que la belleza de nuestra region acoge miles de turistas extranjeros, hemos propuesto esta version en Español (y en Inglés) para facilitar el acceso al empleo de los visitantes. Disfruta  enviando tus datos y colaborando a la realizacion del atlas de Aquitania. Gracias por tu ayuda!

Es posible que pueda encontrar algun problema, o una traduccion erronea, o algun  temino que no sea el apropiado, por lo que le rogamos nos informe para corregirlo lo mas rapidamente posible. Gracias. 

enviado por Laurent Couzi

LPO-Aquitaine (433 chemin de Leysotte, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, 44°47'11"N 0°34'46"W)Plano de acceso
VisioNature est un outil développé avec la collaboration du réseau LPO. Grâce aux technologies Internet, débutants, amateurs et professionnels naturalistes, peuvent partager en temps réel leur découverte et ainsi améliorer la connaissance et la protection de la faune

Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2025