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     Some maps...
Red Phalarope 2023
Red Crossbill 23-24
Leach's Storm Petrel 2023
Eurasian Tree Sparrow 22-23
Parasitic Jaeger 2023
Black-winged Kite 2023
Cleopatra 18-23
Long-tailed Blue 2023
Two-tailed Pasha 21-22
Two-tailed Pasha 2023
Vagrant Emperor 2023
European Rabbit 2023
Locusta migratoria gallica 2023
Italian Cricket (ssp. pellucens) 21-23
Zeuneriana abbreviata 21-23
Decticus albifrons 2023
Mantis religiosa 2023
Faune-Aquitaine Publication
Le Courbageot
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Atlas synthesis
Atlas of the Aquitaine fauna
Local synthesis

Registration form
Fields with a star are mandatory. You can also add a portrait of yourself to complete your profile. These data will only be used to inform you about the website evolution or if we need some more information about one of your contributions. These personal data and parameters can be changed at any time. You can find all the necessary information by selecting «My account» in the website menu (on the bottom left side of the main page) after your connection. You will receive by email the password necessary for your connection a few minutes after the completion of your registration. We would like to point out that any of your data as well as the location coordinates or remarks you might send can be seen and used by any users of this website. Data concerning scarce breeding species or data you have protected are of course not available for anybody. If you wish to, you can also protect data that have been already sent (to protect data sent more than 7 days ago, please contact By completing your registration you agree that you have read and accepted the statement written above.
Personal data :
* Birthyear
I live in the area covered by the database :
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Data gathered on this portal can be used by organizations that study fauna. You can choose to cooperate with them by ticking the box below. This includes for them the capability to transfer the data to their partners, in the frame of projects towards biodiversity knowledge and/or protection. In any case, you remain the owner of your data. Without any indication from you, your data will be consultable only on this website and other linked portals such as
Terms :
When registering, I accept the general terms and conditions >> here << is brought to you by LPO-Aquitaine (433 chemin de Leysotte, F-33140 Villenave d'Ornon, 44°47'11"N 0°34'46"W)Access map
VisioNature est un outil développé avec la collaboration du réseau LPO. Grâce aux technologies Internet, débutants, amateurs et professionnels naturalistes, peuvent partager en temps réel leur découverte et ainsi améliorer la connaissance et la protection de la faune

Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2025